Student of the Month

Name: Sydney Friedt

Favorites/ Hobbies: watching TV, beings with friends and family, sports, and being outside

Favorite Class: Ceramics or A.P. Bio

Future Careers: Elementary Education

If you had a superpower, what would it be and why: Super strength weightlifting 

Sydney picture

Name: Mae Eversvik

Favorites/ Hobbies: Watching Christmas movies, baking, babysitting, lifting

Favorite Class: Marketing

Future Careers: Dental Assistant 

If you had a super power, what would it be and why: Teleportation to not have to drive 

Joe Lindberg picture

Name: Rowan Jess

Favorites/ Hobbies: Baking, running, and working out 

Favorite Class: Health 

Future Careers: Pharmacist 

If you had a super power, what would it be and why: Flight, so I could go to different places fast 

Kendall cover picture

Name: Madalina Ciubotareanu 

Favorites/ Hobbies: Lifting, wrestling 

Favorite Class: Physical Science 

Future Careers: Not sure yet 

If you had a super power, what would it be and why: Ghost so I could teleport

MC Pic

8th Grade
Name: Mya Cook  

Favorites/ Hobbies: Volleyball, softball

Favorite Class: Gym 

Future Careers: Nurse 

If you had a super power, what would it be and why: Telepathy 

Kaylee Coleman picture

7th Grade
Name: Howie Simonson

Favorites/ Hobbies: Basketball 

Favorite Class: Math 

Future Careers: Therapist 

If you had a superpower, what would it be and why: Flying, because I like the wind in my face

Rachel Boeshans picture